Sinclair Priming Tool Shell Holders are designed to work specifically in your Sinclair Priming Tool. Each shell holder is precision ground from stainless steel for a lifetime of fit and function. Model number is stamped on the top of the shell holder.
Sinclair Priming Tool Shell Holders er designet for å fungere spesifikt med din Sinclair Priming Tool. Hver shell holder er presisjonsbearbeidet fra rustfritt stål for en livslang passform og funksjon. Modellnummeret er stemplet på toppen av shell holderen.
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Sinclair Priming Tool Shell Holders er laget av rustfritt stål for presisjonsarbeid og lang levetid.
Designet for å fungere spesifikt med Sinclair Priming Tool, med modellnummer stemplet på toppen.
Kompatibel med patroner som 404 Jeffery, 330 Dakota, 300 Dakota, og 416 Dakota.
I purchased a Primal Rights Competition Primer Seater and it uses this type of shell holders, I had the Lee shell holders but really was'nt happy with thier quality. I was looking for something better and found the Sinclair Stainless shell holders. I ordered these in all of the Calibers that I reload for and was very impressed with the precision and quality. This is THE shellholder for precision handloading.
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