- Modell: Government
- Pounds: 9 lbs
- Våpentype: 1911
- Leveringsvekt: 0,009kg
- Frakthøyde: 12mm
- Fraktbredde: 78mm
- Fraktlengde: 210mm
Produktnr.: 445100109
Produsentnr.: 9CS
CAD-designet og bygget for aerospace spesifikasjoner fra kromsilicon eller korrosjonsbestandig rustfritt stål for maksimal holdbarhet, konsistens og pålitelig ytelse. Varmebehandlet, sandblåst og fullt stressavlastet for å minimere fjærsett.Works Fine in several 1911's 23.02.2017
I have used these several times for 1911 replacement springs.
Normally 16 lb. weight is the proper factory spring replacement.
Spring will not let slide travel fully 29.03.2016
My most useful comment is not to buy one of these. I had the same trouble as the other reviewer that the spring become spring bound before the slide can travel full length. This result in having to use slide release instead of "sling shot" release (pulling the slide back by hand and releasing) during magazine changes. I had this trouble with a Kimber 1911 target II .38 Super. Its the chance you take with after market products.
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