- Modell: 37,37A
- Våpentype: Winchester
- Leveringsvekt: 0,007kg
- Frakthøyde: 8mm
- Fraktbredde: 79mm
- Fraktlengde: 89mm
Produktnr.: 655003037
Produsentnr.: NLG3373
En umulig å få tak i originaldel som er nødvendig for å holde 37A'en i drift. Plasserer forenden på løpet og hindrer at løpet utilsiktet løsner. Passer også til 370 og 840, alle kalibre.Great Part. Great Service! 29.08.2014
Found this part broken on my cherished Winchester Model 37A Youth shotgun (which I received from my father on my 14th birthday, 40 years ago). Couldn't believe how easy it was to find this part on Brownell's! Good quality and a great price!
Lucky Find 11.04.2014
This is the only plastic part to my shotgun, other than the butt-plate and I found it broken today. My joy is not so much with the part, as much as the ease and speed with which I was able to find and order its replacement, from Brownells. I could not be more pleased.
Vi opplevde en feil under innlasting av dette innholdet. Vennligst last inn siden på nytt for å fortsette. Hvis problemet vedvarer, ta kontakt med kundeservice.