- Våpentype: Universal Shotguns
- Leveringsvekt: 0,045kg
- Frakthøyde: 8mm
- Fraktbredde: 79mm
- Fraktlengde: 109mm
- UPC: 083045107606
Produktnr.: 531107602
Produsentnr.: 10760
083045107606 Rikelig rekkevidde for 28 gauge til 12 gauge Flex-drive eliminerer vibrasjoner og riper.Good, Inexpensive Cylinder Hone 11.11.2014
I purchased this hone, with an extra set of stones, to remove pitting from the barrel of an almost ninety year single-shot 12 gauge shotgun. The shotgun was left to me by an uncle, who had kept it by his kitchen door for over 60 years. He had also fired it, on occasions, well into his nineties. But, it was apparent he had stopped cleaning it properly at some point in his later years.
It took some hours of careful honing, but I was able to remove the pitting and return the barrel to a safe operating condition using this hone. Since everything was so worn, and in such bad shape, and this was not an expensive antique, I returned the shotgun to it's original appearance and usefulness - the condition I remembered it being in as a youngster. I take pleasure in knowing my uncle would be pleased with the condition of his old shotgun as it is now. This inexpensive hone made the restoration possible without spending more than the shotgun was worth in dollars. The shotgun now sits unused, but the memories of my uncle have been preserved in it, and it sits proudly in my gun cabinet - ready for use if ever needed, and just the way I know my uncle would have wanted.
Works great!! 19.04.2010
I got my 870's chamber smoothed out with this hone and now feeding and extraction is much smoother. I also halve a lot less problems shooting Winchester 100 Round Value Packs through it now after honing my chamber. Great product!!
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