The KeyMo Muzzle Brake is your gateway to silence. When you’re ready for peace and quiet use the KeyMo brake to quickly attach your Sandman Series or KeyMo equipped suppressor to your rifle. If you’re not quite ready to turn up the silence, you can still employ the finest brake on the market and experience a flatter shooting rifle with minimal concussion compared to traditional muzzle brakes. Dead Air’s sealed taper design is forward of the Keymo locking channels, allowing the suppressor to be easily removed without carbon-locking onto the mount. NOTE: The DA101 and DA102 come with a pre-drilled hole for pin & weld at the 6 O’clock position. The DA103, DA104, and DA106 do not have a pin/weld hole and do not have the three port holes on the top wrench flat. Finish Black Nitride Material 4140 HT Alloy Steel Threads 1/2-28, 5/8-24, 3/4-24, M18-1, M18-1.5 AI Weight DA101 : 4.42 oz. DA102 : 3.90 oz. DA103 : 4.10 oz. DA104 : 4.10 oz. DA106 : 4.10 oz. Overall Length 2.82″ Bore Diameters 1/2-28: .30 caliber 5/8-24: .30 caliber 3/4-24: .338 caliber M18-1: .338 caliber M18-1.5: .338 caliber
Tilgjengelig for standard 7.62x51mm og 5.56×45 gjengede løp, Keymount Muzzle Brake er din inngangsport til stillhet. Når du er klar for fred og ro, bruk Keymount-bremsen for raskt å feste din Sandman-L™ eller Sandman-S™ til riflen din. Hvis du ikke er helt klar for å øke stillheten, kan du fortsatt benytte deg av den fineste bremsen på markedet og oppleve en rifle som skyter flatere med minimalt med rekyl sammenlignet med tradisjonelle munningsbremser.