- Modell: 1873
- Våpentype: Uberti
- Leveringsvekt: 0,009kg
- Frakthøyde: 8mm
- Fraktbredde: 66mm
- Fraktlengde: 117mm
Produktnr.: 969322850
Produsentnr.: 32285
Lettnerer avtrekkskraft og spenning for rask, presis skyting. Åpen senter opprettholder holdbarheten til fabrikkfjæren, gir konsekvent, jevn fjærspenning.WILL NOT FIT my EMF !!! 08.06.2015
I ordered this for an EMF Hartford 45 Colt. There was an obvious problem as the length was way too short ! The overall length falls between the factory spring and the length of a factory
Also works in an Uberti 1858 Remington 22.10.2013
I bought this spring for use with a Taylor's conversion cylinder. It fit my Uberti Remington perfectly. The action is much smoother, and the cylinder's firing pins are no longer getting battered.
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