- Farge: Black
- Modell: 94
- Våpentype: Winchester
- Leveringsvekt: 0,005kg
- Fraktbredde: 57mm
- Fraktlengde: 89mm
Produktnr.: 344000007
Produsentnr.: PH131
Beskytter frontkikkerten mot skader forårsaket av normal feltbruk. Åpen frontdesign lar mye lys nå frem til frontbladet og gir et forbedret siktebilde. Konstruksjon i fjærstål for holdbarhet. Tilgjengelig for Modell 94 karabin med sikterampe.Just Don't 03.10.2018
This hood looks like it came out of the bottom of a used parts box. You can plan on spending time making it look decent. It is also a very tight fit on the ramp: hammer time.
This is the first time I've given a Brownells' product a bad review. Find a used hood instead.
It's okay 19.04.2016
It fits. I'm not sure what part the other reviewers got, but this is far from being asthetically pleasing, or a "good finish". The part was never polished before blueing, it is a dull grey at best, which will never match any model 94 I've ever seen. So in addition to buying the part, dipping it in some bluing is required as well.
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