Unique coupling system between the plates allows you to make adjustments without removing the recoil pad from the adjuster and provides more precise horizontal, vertical, and diagonal adjustability than the standard model. Simply drill two small 5/16" to 3/8" diameter holes in the pad, so you can insert the included Allen wrench to loosen the two hex-head screws and reposition the adjuster. Allows 1-7/16" vertical adjustment, 5/16" horizontal offset, and up to 40º left or right tilt.
Unikt koblingssystem mellom platene lar deg gjøre justeringer uten å fjerne rekylputen fra justeren og gir mer presis horisontal, vertikal og diagonal justerbarhet enn standardmodellen. Bare bor to små 5/16" til 3/8" diameter hull i puten, slik at du kan sette inn den medfølgende Allen-nøkkelen for å løsne de to sekskant-skruene og reposisjonere justeren. Tillater 1-7/16" vertikal justering, 5/16" horisontal forskyvning, og opptil 40º venstre eller høyre tilt.