- Modell: 870
- Våpentype: Remington
- Leveringsvekt: 0,014kg
- Frakthøyde: 10mm
- Fraktbredde: 71mm
- Fraktlengde: 114mm
Produktnr.: 100000569
Produsentnr.: VCS
Stor, kuppelformet knapp er lett å finne. Bare et raskt trykk med siden av avtrekkeren din vil koble fra sikkerheten. Rund profil fanger ikke klær eller våpenkoffertfôr. Enkel installasjon, kun høyrehåndsbruk.Great upgrade 19.12.2017
Much larger then the factory safety and looks great. you can easily disengage the safety while moving your finger to the trigger using the side of your finger. If you use your 870 as a home defense weapon then this is a great upgrade.
Superb 20.07.2017
Decided on Vang instead of Wilson, pleased with the quality and size of the knob. exceptionally easy to find and engage, much more so than the stock safety. Great value at this price,not obtrusive with my ATI pistol grip stock either. only critique is the missing red stipe on the "off" side, not a big deal but would be 5 stars/perfect if it had it.
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