These pads don’t just slow recoil down, they actually cut the kick dramatically by absorbing it! Made from soft, springy, Sorbothane, they end next-day-hurt, tame large caliber flinch and allow recoil-sensitive shooters to shoot in comfort. Won’t ever bottom out. Grind and shape like regular pads, just don’t allow heat to build up. 200 Series Dual Action Sporting Clays pad has two layers of Sorbothane for extra protection. The first layer reacts quickly to absorb initial recoil, while the second layer dissipates the remaining energy to maximize absorption. Heel is canted approximately 45° for easy shouldering from the “low gun” position. 300 Series All Purpose has a slightly concave face designed for all shooting applications. 300 Series Dual Action All Purpose pad combines the two-layer absorption properties of the 200 Series Dual Action pads with a flat back and downward-canted ends for easy shouldering in a wide variety shooting applications. 400 Series Trap has a more pronounced concave face than 300 Series for fixed-position trapshooting. 500 Series Magnum is designed for heavy recoiling guns and has a flat face and downward canted ends for easy shouldering. All pads feature solid sides, a black base, and leather-grain textured face.
Disse putene reduserer ikke bare rekyl, de demper faktisk støtet dramatisk ved å absorbere det! Laget av myk, fjærende Sorbothane, de avslutter neste-dags-smerte, temmer stor kaliber flinching og lar rekyl-sensitive skyttere skyte med komfort. Vil aldri bunnfalle. Slip og form som vanlige puter, bare ikke la varme bygge seg opp. 200 Series Dual Action Sporting Clays pute har to lag Sorbothane for ekstra beskyttelse. Det første laget reagerer raskt for å absorbere den første rekyl, mens det andre laget disipierer den gjenværende energien for maksimal absorpsjon. Hælen er vinklet omtrent 45° for enkel skulderplassering fra