The Professional Gun and Parts Cleaning Master Kit includes brushes, solvents, oils, swabs and attachments for cleaning bores ranging from .220 diameter through .450 diameter. It also includes brushes and swabs for cleaning larger tubes and bores up to .750″/12 gauge. General detailing accessories include doubled-ended brushes, picks, an absorbent cleaning mat and cloth rags. The specially designed, professional-grade case provides four layers for versatility: the top layer houses cleaning accessories and attachments; the middle layers hold a cleaning mat and doubles as a portable work tray; the bottom layer holds bulk precision swabs, solvents and oils. Features and Benefits: For caliber and gauge sizes: .22 to .75 and 5mm – 12 gauge Non-toxic and odor-free cleaning solution and lubricating oil Prevent rust on metal components with premium, silicone-infused oiling cloth Low-lint, industrial-grade precision cotton swabs Includes: (8) Standard Bore Brushes (3) Long Micro-Tube Brushes (3) Double-Ended Specialty Brushes (2) Double-Ended Picks Interlocking-Claw Tweezers Pull-Through Cable and Push Rods with Thread Adapters Cleaning Mat Portable Work Tray Cleaning Solution Lubricating Oil Silicon Oiling Cloth 500+ Precision Cleaning Swabs
Professional Gun and Parts Cleaning Master Kit inneholder børster, løsemidler, oljer, vattpinner og tilbehør for rengjøring av løp med en diameter fra .220 til .450. Settet inkluderer også børster og vattpinner for rengjøring av større rør og løp opp til .750″/12 kaliber. Generelt tilbehør for detaljrengjøring inkluderer dobbelendte børster, plukkere, en absorberende rengjøringsmatte og kluter. Den spesialdesignede, profesjonelle kofferten gir fire lag for allsidighet: det øverste laget inneholder rengjøringstilbehør og tilkoblinger; de midterste lagene holder en rengjøringsmatte og fungerer også som en bærbar arbeidsbrett; det nederste laget holder presisjonsvattpinner i bulk, løsemidler og oljer.
Egenskaper og fordeler:
For kaliber- og haglestørrelser: .22 til .75 og 5mm – 12 gauge
Ikke-toksisk og luktfri rengjøringsløsning og smøreolje
Forebygger rust på metallkomponenter med premium, silikoninfusert oljeklut
Lavlint, industriell presisjonsbomullsvabber
(8) Standard Bore Brushes
(3) Long Micro-Tube Brushes
(3) Double-Ended Specialty Brushes
(2) Double-Ended Picks
Interlocking-Claw Tweezers
Pull-Through Cable and Push Rods with Thread Adapters
Cleaning Mat
Portable Work Tray
Cleaning Solution
Lubricating Oil
Silicon Oiling Cloth
500+ Precision Cleaning Swabs