Oppgrader din Remington 700 med HUNTER 700 MAGAZINE WELL 🛠️ fra Magpul for enkel bruk av avtakbare boksmagasiner. Kvalitet og funksjonalitet!
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Magpul Bolt Action Magazine Well er en enkel oppgradering for Remington 700 Hunter-skjefte, som gir funksjonalitet for avtakbare boksmagasiner uten behov for børsemakertilpasning.
Settet inkluderer en forsterket polymer avtrekkerbeskyttelse og magasinbrønn, designet for å fungere med AICS mønster, korte aksjonsmagasiner.
Inkluderer også Magpul PMAG 5 AC og er ferdig i svart.
840815100768 Magpul Bolt Action Magazine Well er en enkel løsning for vår Remington 700 Hunter Stock for de som ønsker å legge til avtakbare boksmagasinfunksjoner til riflen sin. Ved å enkelt fjerne din OEM bunnmetall og innsatsen på Hunter 700 Stock, kan brukerne legge til dette forsterkede polymeravtrekkergardinet og magasinbrønnen til riflen sin uten behov for spesialtilpasning fra gunsmiths. Designet for å fungere med AICS-mønster, korte aksjemagasin. Dette settet inkluderer også Magpul PMAG 5 AC.
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Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
The Magpul Bolt Action Magazine Well is a drop-in solution for our Remington 700 Hunter Stock for those that are wishing to add detachable box magazine capabilities to their rifle. By simply removing your OEM bottom metal and the insert on the Hunter 700 Stock, users can add this reinforced polymer trigger guard and magazine well to their rifle without the need for custom inletting from gunsmiths. Designed to work with AICS pattern, short action magazines. This kit also includes the Magpul PMAG 5 AC.
Magpul Bolt Action Magazine Well er en enkel løsning for vår Remington 700 Hunter Stock for de som ønsker å legge til avtakbare boksmagasinfunksjoner til riflen sin. Ved å enkelt fjerne din OEM bunnmetall og innsatsen på Hunter 700 Stock, kan brukerne legge til dette forsterkede polymeravtrekkergardinet og magasinbrønnen til riflen sin uten behov for spesialtilpasning fra gunsmiths. Designet for å fungere med AICS-mønster, korte aksjemagasin. Dette settet inkluderer også Magpul PMAG 5 AC.
Top takeaways
Magpul Bolt Action Magazine Well er en enkel oppgradering for Remington 700 Hunter-skjefte, som gir funksjonalitet for avtakbare boksmagasiner uten behov for børsemakertilpasning.
Settet inkluderer en forsterket polymer avtrekkerbeskyttelse og magasinbrønn, designet for å fungere med AICS mønster, korte aksjonsmagasiner.
Inkluderer også Magpul PMAG 5 AC og er ferdig i svart.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x
Kundevurderinger (12)
4 / 5
Klart anbefalt
Great for the money 04.01.2018
This product is great, not perfect, but great. Feeding is reliable and loading is fast. Install is supper easy and fast, mags are decent quality. Its a $70 remington 700 mag conversion that works. The quality is not up to accuracy international or Wyatts standers but its not $250 either.
Klart anbefalt
Another Excellent Magpul Product 13.11.2016
I finally have the ability to use a box magazine with my Rem 700. I had my eye on the Pro Hunter stock since it came out but was sold when I came across this at my local gun store; I picked up the stock and bottom 'metal'. Easy swap out and works great. Too bad the magazines are AICS and not just the standard 308 PMAG. At least it comes with a 5 round magazine.
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
It works, but in not drop-in 15.10.2016
Basically , this stock is a great design with two minor flaws. Number one is that this trigger guard rattles around inside the stock. It really requires a little bit of superglue or some sort of adhesive to bond it onto the stock and take out the slack. The second is that the trigger guard has to be inletted on the inside back side to allow the trigger too pull to the rear. It took me about an hour of unnecessary fooling with it in order to get it working right. A slight redesign seems in order. I tried it with a Jard trigger, a Timney trigger and the factory X-mark trigger and they all hit on the back of the trigger guard and would not function without modification.
Klart anbefalt
Great product 06.08.2016
Drop in fit for my 700. Excellent value over the $500 aluminum options. Makes reloads faster with my scope setup. Should have put this in a while ago for the price. Highly recommended.
Economical mag conversion for drop plate 29.03.2016
I have the same complaint as others about the trigger guard contacting the trigger. I plan on sanding it down for some extra clearance. So far the trigger breaks, but it does make contact with the guard. A rounded profile would have been a better option in this case. The stock and mag well make a nice upgrade for the original drop plate setup and how much of a PITA that is to load.
Klart anbefalt
Guess I got a good one 26.03.2016
After reading the other reviews on this product, I guess that I lucked out. Mine fits perfectly, and functions flawlessly. I can't ask for anything more. Especially for a little over 60 bucks. I had it installed in under a minute because it came in with my stock. Everything lined up right, and it cycles rounds great. I can't say that my mag release is hard. I honestly wouldn't want it any easier for fear that it would be bumped easily. I had no clearance issues with my trigger either. I have the x-mark pro in there still, but have seen many reviews that the Timney 510 will fit in there with no problem. As long as there is a curve, it should fit. Once again, maybe I got lucky, but I doubt it. I seem to be cursed in all things gun related, and mine works great.
Klart anbefalt
Vast improvement 12.02.2016
I installed this with the Magpul Hunter 700 stock on a Remington 700 AAC-SD to replace the factory stock and an aftermarket magazine conversion kit that I had bought sometime back. I ordered two new bolts (stainless steel) for the installation and it took less than 10 minutes to swap out the old stock with the new one and the magazine conversion. The magazines fit snug and held firmly in place. There is no magazine rock so they rounds feed smoothly and do not jamb.
Ikke anbefalt
Back of trigger guard touches trigger 11.02.2016
When the mag well was installed on the bench, the trigger was close to the trigger guard and had just a few thousandths of clearance. After two rounds fired at the range, the rifle seated into the Magpul Hunter stock and the trigger was bound on the trigger guard. Could not get a third round to fire. Must either modify the trigger guard by filing the back (slanted portion) or replace the Remington trigger with a strait trigger or file off the bottom 1/4 inch of the trigger. The defect in design appears to be the rear of the trigger guard has a 45 degree slant to it when it should have more of a radius to allow for the trigger pull.
Ikke anbefalt
Mag well too tight for AI mags. 02.01.2016
The mag well does not accept AI magazines or aftermarket AI style magazines. This seems to function with the Magpul 308 mag that was supplied, however, I was looking to adapt this to a 223 mag. Also the trigger guard is too small to accept anything other than the factory trigger. The mag release is clumsy and requires an enormous amount of pressure to release. I am sending this back with the Magpul hunter stock. I will wait for the second generation from Magpul with hopes that they rectify their design shortcomings.
Klart anbefalt
Works Great 01.12.2015
Everything dropped into place. The rounds feed smooth as glass. I have the Remington factory trigger so there was no trigger issues. Shoots good, love it.
Mostly good 25.11.2015
Pros: Looks great. Comes with the magazine.
Con: The mag release tension is out of this world. A lot more than it should be. Also, it doesn't fit the flat triggers.
Klart anbefalt
Good stuff 16.11.2015
I really like the stock and mag well. My main uses are hunting and target shooting. Solid, quality feel one would expect from magpul. My only complaint is the trigger guard on this mag well does NOT quite clear my Timney straight trigger. Nothing a few minutes with the dremmel couldn't fix, but worth noting.
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Oppgrader din Remington 700 med HUNTER 700 MAGAZINE WELL 🛠️ fra Magpul for enkel bruk av avtakbare boksmagasiner. Kvalitet og funksjonalitet!
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Magpul Remington 700 Hunter Stock er laget av forsterket polymer og anodisert A380 støpt aluminium beddingblokk, og tilbyr forbedret ergonomi.
Kolben er kompatibel med alle Remington 700 Short Actions og krever ingen bedding, noe som gjør den til en ekte "drop-in" løsning.
Den er M-LOK kompatibel for å akseptere et bredt spekter av tilbehør, og det finnes et Bolt Action Magazine Well som kan brukes med avtakbare boksmagasiner.
Magpul M-LOK Bipod Mount muliggjør montering av toføtter med Harris-stil festemønster, og tilbyr en lavprofil og robust løsning.
Monteringen gir overlegen støtte og stabilitet, og er kompatibel med tilbehør som festes til tradisjonelle remfester.
Maskinert fra mil-spec anodisert aluminium, har den avrundede ender for å forhindre hekting, og inkluderer alt nødvendig maskinvare for montering på M-LOK-overflater.
PMAG 10 7.62 AC er et pålitelig og holdbart polymermagasin kompatibelt med .308 Winchester-patroner.
Med en kapasitet på 10 runder, er det ideelt for konkurranse eller kampbruk.
Laget med M3-teknologi, tilbyr det avanserte materialer og produksjonsprosesser for høy pålitelighet.
Presisjonsturnerte, varmebehandlede skruer gir ekstra rekkevidde for bedding av Remington rifler i syntetiske eller tre-stokker.
Skruene er omtrent .250" lengre enn fabrikkskruene, noe som gir større fleksibilitet i beddingdybde.
Tilgjengelig med standard slotted head eller Allen head for gjentakbare dreiemomentinnstillinger på match- eller konkurransegeværer.