- Make: Glock
- Modell: 26,27,33,39
- Style: Grip Extenders
- Leveringsvekt: 0,159kg
- Frakthøyde: 26mm
- Fraktbredde: 68mm
- Fraktlengde: 88mm
- UPC : 605849200415
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x
Produktnr.: 092000026
Produsentnr.: PG-26G4
605849200415 Lar deg bruke hele hånden for å gripe våpenet for bedre rekylkontroll og mer konsekvent skuddplassering. Utvidet "hylle" for lillefingeren festes i stedet for fabrikkens magasinbunn. Gjør skyting med disse små "håndfullene" mye mer komfortabel.Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
1 stk. på lageret i USA
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
1 stk. på lageret i USA
Can't rely on it. 08.10.2017
I found that with hollow points I would get failure to feeds occasionally. Federal HST 124+p and some practice, non expanding, hollow point reloads I got at a gun show 124 gn. Sometimes the slide would miss the casing or slip off (pictured). Other times (with the practice stuff) it would jam against the bottom of the feed ramp. Basically plenty of evidence that the magazine spring tension is not keeping up with the recoil spring. Maybe my gun is too new and the recoil spring needs to break in a little bit but I'm not going to find out.
<img width="500" src='/userdocs/reviewimages/09b1bde0-fe9e-4ce6-8254-126105837509.jpg' alt=''>
Can't rely on it. 04.10.2017
I found that with hollow points I would get failure to feeds occasionally. Federal HST 124+p and some practice, non expanding, hollow point reloads I got at a gun show 124 gn. Sometimes the slide would miss the casing or slip off (pictured). Other times (with the practice stuff) it would jam against the bottom of the feed ramp. Basically plenty of evidence that the magazine spring tension is not keeping up with the recoil spring.
Maybe my gun is too new and the recoil spring needs to break in a little bit but I'm not going to find out.