The Classic is a compilation of the design elements we have found to be the most elegant and user friendly examples of the classic style. The slender, somewhat open grip is well defined, but does not extend too far below the toe line. The comb is parallel to the bore, which aids in scope use, and because of its straight-line design, minimizes cheek slap under recoil. Additional facial support is provided by a graceful cheekpiece that blends perfectly with the overall shape of the buttstock. The forend is flat/oval in cross-section, and is proportioned to complement barrels of 22-26 inches. It must be noted that due to the variations among models and tolerances that factories may or may not routinely adhere to, some minor fitting may be required even on our fully finished drop-in parts to achieve that perfect fit to your action.
Leveringsvekt: 1,3kg
Frakthøyde: 70mm
Fraktbredde: 170mm
Fraktlengde: 850mm
VIKTIG! I henhold til Våpenforskriften § 2.2, må våpenets totallengde ikke være kortere enn 84 cm. Dette ansvaret ligger på deg som kjøper ved enhver modifikasjon. Regel om 84 cm gjelder med stokken innskyvet eller foldet om du benytter en justerbar- eller foldestokk.