- Våpentype: Universal Rifles
- Leveringsvekt: 1,451kg
- Frakthøyde: 81mm
- Fraktbredde: 91mm
- Fraktlengde: 224mm
Produktnr.: 521100000
Produsentnr.: BOLTFIXTURE
Bolt Fixture - En enkel og stiv dreiebenkmontering som holder de fleste vanlige riflebolter i en fire-kjeft chuck for ansikts- og låseklipsjustering (både front- og bakoverflater) eller for å åpne ansiktet for å akseptere magnum patroner.The right tool for the job! 14.09.2017
This is a great bolt holding fixture. It is essentially a v-block designed to be chucked into a lathe. I have used the Viper action truing fixture to do a few bolts and it is tedious beyond belief to set up. This La Bounty fixture is much better suited to the job, it is simple and quick to set up and provides a rigid setup. It also provides the added benefit of working well with flutes bolts. Just chuck the fixture into your 4-jaw chuck and clamp the bolt you are going to work on into the v-block. Indicate the bolt on the body behind the bolt lugs and dial in the whole fixture with the 4-jaw. Once it is running true that's it, you are ready to go.
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