854014005045 G2S AVTREKKER – Geissele 2 Stage (G2S) semi-automatisk avtrekker faller inn i din AR-15 for å gi mye av ytelsen og påliteligheten til Geissele sin velprøvde SSA avtrekker til en rimelig pris. Har en total avtrekktvekt på 4½ lb., ikke-justerbar sear-engasjement, og en 2½ lb. første fase. Laget av samme verktøystål som SSA med wire-EDM kuttengasjementsflater. G2S bruker en annen metode for å holde hammerpinnen, forskjellige pinner, og mangler lasermerking.
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Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Complete, High-Quality Trigger Systems For Unique Operating Environments
G2S TRIGGER – The Geissele 2 Stage (G2S) semi-auto-only trigger drops into your AR-15 to give much of the performance and reliability of Geissele’s proven SSA trigger at an economical price. Features a 4½ lb. total pull weight, non-adjustable sear engagement, and a 2½ lb. first stage. Made of the same tool steel as the SSA with wire-EDM cut engagement surfaces. G2S uses a different method to retain the hammer pin, different pins, and lacks laser marking.
Komplette, høykvalitets avtrekkersystemer for unike driftsmiljøer
G2S AVTREKKER – Geissele 2 Stage (G2S) semi-automatisk avtrekker faller inn i din AR-15 for å gi mye av ytelsen og påliteligheten til Geissele sin velprøvde SSA avtrekker til en rimelig pris. Har en total avtrekktvekt på 4½ lb., ikke-justerbar sear-engasjement, og en 2½ lb. første fase. Laget av samme verktøystål som SSA med wire-EDM kuttengasjementsflater. G2S bruker en annen metode for å holde hammerpinnen, forskjellige pinner, og mangler lasermerking.
Top takeaways
G2S-avtrekkeren gir mye av ytelsen og påliteligheten til Geisseles SSA-avtrekker til en økonomisk pris.
Den har en total avtrekksvekt på 4½ lb, med et første trinn på 2½ lb, og er laget av verktøystål med wire-EDM kutt engasjementsoverflater.
Passer semi-automatiske AR-15/M16 mottakere og kan installeres på AR-stil .308 rifler som aksepterer AR-15 avtrekkere.
Våpentype:AR .308,AR-15
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Kundevurderinger (16)
4,6 / 5
Klart anbefalt
Geissele G2S 2 stage trigger 29.05.2018
I purchased my third Geissele G2S trigger over the Memorial Day weekend. Excellent triggers with just right amount of 1st stage take up and clean break. The price, once again, was better than anywhere else on the Internet plus I received an additional discount & free S/H. I also own a Timney 2 stage Targa trigger that I like too. Geissele makes great products and Brownells offers them at very competitive pricing along with great customer service. I still have yet to find any reason not to recommend a Geissele product to others. Picked up a Mk8 15" rail on sale too. Thanks Brownells.
Great Trigger 20.04.2018
Easy install on this trigger, it took about 10 min. once I got it out of the box. Overall weight was 5 lbs with the weight being evenly distributed between the 1st and 2nd stage. 2nd stage breaks clean with no creep. I bought this to replace a single stage trigger in my backup match AR. Its not the trigger my Geissele NM is on my primary but it was a $100 cheaper. As is with most AR replacement triggers I have installed over the years the weight will decrease and it will smooth out after a couple of hundred rounds. I'm going to shoot a high power match with it soon to see if it has any effect on my score.
Klart anbefalt
What a trigger! 06.11.2017
I had the BCM PNT trigger and decided to switch to the GS2. There's nothing wrong with the PNT trigger but the GS2 is on another level!!!!! I'll never use a mil spec trigger again and I mean never. Once you go Geissele there's no going back!
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
Hammer Required Reaming 28.05.2017
Received trigger with one pin inserted in the trigger and the hammer pin floating in the package. I soon found out why. Removed old trigger (and safety) with no issue. Installed trigger and disconnector with no problem. Attempted to install hammer and found I could NOT insert the pin through the hammer. Checked pin diameter which was ok. Tried old pin and had the same result. Reamed hammer with No. 22 drill bit. Appeared that no metal was removed. Just the coating in the pin bore. Pin moved freely through hammer. Installed and checked function. Much better than stock AR-15 trigger. Am disappointed and pleased at the same time. Have two more coming.I hope I don't have the same issue.
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Helt super! 08.01.2017
Helt konge avtrekker. Pålitelig som bare det og god å skyte med! Resetet er markant, men det er en liten slakk som må tas opp etter at man har resatt avtrekkeren noe som burde vært opplyst om.
Klart anbefalt
Well worth the money 05.11.2016
I found this trigger on sale from DPMS for about 40% off the usual going price. This trigger is heads and tails above any mil-spec trigger I've ever used. 3 1/2 pounds of first stage pull, and another pound for a crisp, clean break every time. This trigger is compatible with KNS anti-rotation pins. Well worth the money.
Klart anbefalt
Buy it. 17.07.2016
I put this trigger in 3 AR's. 'Nuff said.
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
308 AR Build Warning 08.04.2016
If you plan to use this on a DPMS LR308 lower the hammer must be modified using a grinding wheel or file. Instructions are included but if you are uncomfortable with doing that this may not be the trigger for you.
Klart anbefalt
Geissele G2S Two-Stage trigger upgrade 01.04.2015
I installed the G2S in a Sabre Defense Competition Deluxe with matched upper & lower receiver that came with a 2-stage match trigger from the factory [3lb second stage] that shoots very well to begin with. Well, now it shoots even better. I used KNS pins that I already had in the rifle and the results are a 2.25lb first stage and 1.9lb 2nd stage, no creep, no grittiness, just a nice, crisp, trigger . Very easy to install,20 minutes, especially with KNS pins and I didn't have to remove the safety lever. I like JP triggers but the G2S was a lot easier to put in and didn't have to mess around adjusting it and fitting the safety. A one eyed blind man can install the G2S -and with no cussing. If you want a great trigger, this is it.
Klart anbefalt
REALLY makes a difference!! 12.09.2014
Since I bought and installed one of these several years ago 5 friends have asked me install one for them. I just installed #7!!
Yes it's a simple install but you still need to be very careful to not force anything ....... and to double check where the springs should be sitting when installed.
It will really improve your scores if you compete with your AR.
I guess it's why Les Baer installs Geissele triggers in their rifles!!
Klart anbefalt
Very nice ! 04.01.2014
About a 10 min. job.All parts came with the trigger, and pins. I think Geissele did fine jog in design and machining. It is a two stage trigger that brakes between 3 3/4 to 4 1/4 lbs.. It is very nice.
Very good general purpose trigger 07.11.2013
These are well made and durable - this is the trigger I like to put in all my general purpose Ar15s.
Klart anbefalt
Smooth trigger 05.11.2013
Ordered trigger on Wednesday and it was on my front door step on Saturday with standard delivery. Installed trigger with no problems. It was my first time to install a trigger in an AR15. It is like having a new rifle. The trigger is smooth and breaks clean. Day light and dark difference between this trigger and the stock AR15 trigger. If you want to improve your shooting accuracy start by getting this trigger then all the optics and other bells and whistles. Trigger is expertly machined with all mating surfaces are highly polished. Has the look and feel of a high quality product. You cant help but be happy with it.
Klart anbefalt
Will put one in every AR I own. 08.09.2013
The biggest downside to this trigger is that I can't just buy one, I need to put it in every AR I own.
It installs easily, the same as any standard AR trigger. It comes with some lubricant specifically for the trigger.
The research I did said that this is the same as Geissele's more expensive triggers, just made with less strict tolerances which will be smoothed out with use.
It is a little rough at first, I did some mag dumps and put about 100 rounds down range to smooth out the trigger. After that it was a dream to shoot. It shot MOA at 200 yards with factory ammo, so the trigger is doing it's job.
As a bonus it also bump fires extremely well. Standard AR triggers are hard to bump fire, this one does it without any problems or practice.
Klart anbefalt
Premium Brand/ Value Priced Trigger 08.08.2013
G2S claims to be similar to the SSA except pin retainage design. I'll agree b/c I have both. Major improvement over a stock AR trigger. If you have an installation pin in your bin of tools, it will help greatly. Well made, well packaged, good instructions. Geissele offers a complete line of triggers for various needs. Get the one you want and you'll be glad you did. I tried a Rock River and a Wilson Combat trigger. Both failed to meet expectations. I'll put these Geissele triggers thru their paces soon enough.
Excellent Trigger at a Moderate Price 12.04.2013
Installed this trigger a few days ago in my M4 carbine. Please keep in mind that I have not been to the range yet to do a full test. But here are a few details:
First, the trigger is a little more difficult to install. Most hammers have a J-spring that retains the hammer pin. Apparently, accommodating this spring adds cost to the manufacturing process.
This trigger uses a hammer that relies on a side mounted spring clip to retain the hammer pin. Also, this trigger did not come with the short assembly pin that comes with the more expensive triggers. I had one from a previous Geissele install, so I used it to help install this one.
Once installed, the first stage is slightly more rough than the more expensive models. Not much, just slightly. The second stage breaks very cleanly, typical Geissele.
Overall very pleased. Will test at the range this weekend.
Vi opplevde en feil under innlasting av dette innholdet. Vennligst last inn siden på nytt for å fortsette. Hvis problemet vedvarer, ta kontakt med kundeservice.
Oppgrader din AR-15 med Geissele G2S avtrekker! 🎯 Få pålitelig ytelse og enkel installasjon med 2-trinns design. Perfekt for semi-auto skyting.
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Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Eliminator fjerner kobber, bly, karbon, plast og kruttforurensning på minutter ved å endre den kjemiske sammensetningen av kobber.
Produktet er ikke-giftig, ikke-brennbar og fullstendig biologisk nedbrytbar, med rustbeskyttende midler som hindrer korrosjon.
Tilgjengelig i størrelser på 4 oz. og 16 oz., produsert av BORE TECH.
Geissele AR-15 Lower Parts Kit inneholder alle nødvendige deler for å få nedre mottakeren operativ, unntatt avtrekker og pistolgrep.
Delene er produsert til "mil-spec" dimensjoner for optimal passform og funksjon i AR-rifle eller karabin.
Geissele er kjent for sine nøye produserte produkter som møter høye standarder.
Slitesterke 10 oz. tungvekts canvasposer som gir utmerket stabilitet og bærbarhet for presis skyting.
Enkel og rask lukking med innebygd snor, uten behov for å sy endene etter fylling.
Attraktivt silketrykk med Brownells varemerke, tilgjengelig enkeltvis eller i 3-pakninger.
TopStop-dekselet passer de fleste AR15- eller M4-type øvre mottakere og forhindrer smuss i å komme inn eller ut.
Det hindrer boltebærergruppen og ladearmen fra å gli ut under transport.
Laget av supersterk polymer, er det motstandsdyktig mot de fleste løsemidler og kjemikalier.