- Farge: Green
- Height: .278
- Material: Stainless Steel
- Style: Post
- Våpentype: AR-15
- Leveringsvekt: 0,068kg
- Frakthøyde: 33mm
- Fraktbredde: 122mm
- Fraktlengde: 198mm
- UPC: 647533034203
Produktnr.: 006000103
Produsentnr.: AR-2001-6
647533034203 Har en stripe av lysende, grønn tritiumgass inset mot en hvit stripe, omkranset av et .100" bredt svart blad. Ideell for taktiske situasjoner med lite lys der rask sikteinnhenting er avgjørende. Tilgjengelig uten bakre åpning.Check your detent location first! 19.01.2015
This XS Tritium front sight for AR15/M4 style rifles is an outstanding product- well made, reasonably priced, and easy to install. I am surprised other sight makers are not offering a similar product. I had high hopes to use this on my LWRC Six8 SPR. Since I am getting older and I cannot always shoot when lighting conditions are ideal, a more visible front sight is a plus. This front sight is designed to work with front sight posts with a detent at the 3-6-9-12 o'clock position. My LWRC BUIS front folding sight has the detent at the 10:30 position. There is nothing wrong with the sight; I should have paid better attention to my rifle's unique characteristics. Otherwise, this would be rated 5-stars with a smile!
not very bright 31.05.2012
not very bright
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