- Våpentype: AR-15
- Leveringsvekt: 0,091kg
- Frakthøyde: 3mm
- Fraktbredde: 3mm
- Fraktlengde: 95mm
- UPC: 050806004771
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x

Produktnr.: 078101139
Produsentnr.: 7006-0009-1311
050806004771 Stress Free Ejection Port Cover Rod. Ingen spor.Great item! No C clip needed 24.10.2017
When I got the rod, I was frustrated that it didn't come with a C-clip. "Seriously?! Brownells couldn't have included a tiny C-clip?!" So I decided to stage the port cover, spring, and rod to see how everything fit. Then I noticed that at the end was machined with a raised texture. The texturing ended where the C-clip would normally go, and that provided the stop for the rod! Awesome! One less small part to worry about.
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