This kit includes all the Mil-Spec quality components you have come to expect from BCM, along with some fantastic upgrades to include: BCM PNT™ Trigger Assembly BCM Pistol Grip, Mod 3 BCM Enhanced Trigger Guard
Dette settet inkluderer alle Mil-Spec kvalitetskomponentene du har kommet til å forvente fra BCM, sammen med noen fantastiske oppgraderinger som inkluderer: BCM PNT™ Trigger Assembly, BCM Pistolgrep, Mod 3 og BCM Forbedret Avtrekksbøyle
Antall vurderinger: 8
Fra 8
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,6
Well Made(15.04.2018)
Installed on an Aero lower and assembled well. The trigger/hammer group are a nice addition and did not require any polishing. I wish I had purchased this kit when it was first offered. Exceptional value and quality control.
Nice surprise ! (11.06.2016)
Great kit, all mil spec hardware +, Grip was nice but the best part was the trigger. Much better then stock mil spec. Great value and quality .
That trigger(24.06.2016)
Just got my parts kit in and installed it on my Sig M400, the trigger is awesome. It's crisp, a little lighter pull than Colt, ALG, or mil spec, and smoother than ALG's or Colt's. Great total package to upgrade or update a lower receiver.
good value lpk(29.06.2016)
I agree with the las review, it feels smoother and lihter than the alg act trigger, the lk went nto an aero precision lower and no struggling there. Bolt catch roll pin went in easily, and so did the trigger guard rollpin. Definitely will recommend this to others and I'd take this over any other lpk.
BCM setting the standard (29.07.2016)
Used this lower kit with an Anderson lower for a build and couldn't be happier. Everything fits perfectly with the Anderson lower and had no problems. And the grip that comes with the kit was a big surprise to me. Great feel in hand and very comfortable
Less than(18.05.2017)
Less than impressed. In my opinion not worth the money. Plastic trigger guard, grip felt cheap. Did not use either. Trigger is good but stiff, got a lighter spring kit for it. Some of this is just personal preference, but for 119.95 a better grip, guard and parts kit can be had.
BCM lower parts kit(19.05.2017)
I just finished an AR-15 build using a Aero Precision upper and lower. I decided to use the BCM (Bravo Co.) lower parts kit to receive the nice nickel-boron trigger group and excellent hardware. The grip that comes with the kit is the best out there. Everything fit exactly as it should and it looks and works beautifully. BCM makes very nice products. One can't go wrong with BCM products for a AR build.
Excellent quality(20.07.2017)
Best quality parts kits I've installed to date. This was installed on an Anderson lower. No fitting problems at all. The trigger is a good "Mil-Spec plus" option. I'd compare it to an ALG ACT, but a TINY bit stiffer. I have no complaints at all.
Produktnr.: 100018636 BRAVO COMPANY BCMGUNFIGHTER AR-15 ENHANCED LOWER PARTS KIT, BLK Produsentnr.: BCM-ELPK-BLK812526020444 Dette settet inkluderer alle Mil-Spec kvalitetskomponentene du har kommet til å forvente fra BCM, sammen med noen fantastiske oppgraderinger som inkluderer: BCM PNT™ Trigger Assembly, BCM Pistolgrep, Mod 3 og BCM Forbedret Avtrekksbøyle
2499NOK0kr 2 499,00
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Produktnr.: 100018637 BRAVO COMPANY BCMGUNFIGHTER AR-15 ENHANCED LOWER PARTS KIT, FDE Produsentnr.: BCM-ELPK-FDE812526020642 Dette settet inkluderer alle Mil-Spec kvalitetskomponentene du har kommet til å forvente fra BCM, sammen med noen fantastiske oppgraderinger som inkluderer: BCM PNT™ Trigger Assembly, BCM Pistolgrep, Mod 3 og BCM Forbedret Avtrekksbøyle
2499NOK0kr 2 499,00
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.c
Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
This item is controlled by the U.S. government and authorized for export only to the country of ultimate destination for use by the ultimate consignee or end-user(s) herein identified. It may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.
Oppgrader din AR-15 med BCMGUNFIGHTER™ Enhanced Lower Parts Kit! 🚀 Inkluderer Mil-Spec kvalitetskomponenter og fantastiske oppgraderinger.
This kit includes all the Mil-Spec quality components you have come to expect from BCM, along with some fantastic upgrades to include: BCM PNT™ Trigger Assembly BCM Pistol Grip, Mod 3 BCM Enhanced Trigger Guard
Dette settet inkluderer alle Mil-Spec kvalitetskomponentene du har kommet til å forvente fra BCM, sammen med noen fantastiske oppgraderinger som inkluderer: BCM PNT™ Trigger Assembly, BCM Pistolgrep, Mod 3 og BCM Forbedret Avtrekksbøyle
Antall vurderinger: 8
Fra 8
Gjennomsnittsvurdering: 4,6
Well Made(15.04.2018)
Installed on an Aero lower and assembled well. The trigger/hammer group are a nice addition and did not require any polishing. I wish I had purchased this kit when it was first offered. Exceptional value and quality control.
Nice surprise ! (11.06.2016)
Great kit, all mil spec hardware +, Grip was nice but the best part was the trigger. Much better then stock mil spec. Great value and quality .
That trigger(24.06.2016)
Just got my parts kit in and installed it on my Sig M400, the trigger is awesome. It's crisp, a little lighter pull than Colt, ALG, or mil spec, and smoother than ALG's or Colt's. Great total package to upgrade or update a lower receiver.
good value lpk(29.06.2016)
I agree with the las review, it feels smoother and lihter than the alg act trigger, the lk went nto an aero precision lower and no struggling there. Bolt catch roll pin went in easily, and so did the trigger guard rollpin. Definitely will recommend this to others and I'd take this over any other lpk.
BCM setting the standard (29.07.2016)
Used this lower kit with an Anderson lower for a build and couldn't be happier. Everything fits perfectly with the Anderson lower and had no problems. And the grip that comes with the kit was a big surprise to me. Great feel in hand and very comfortable
Less than(18.05.2017)
Less than impressed. In my opinion not worth the money. Plastic trigger guard, grip felt cheap. Did not use either. Trigger is good but stiff, got a lighter spring kit for it. Some of this is just personal preference, but for 119.95 a better grip, guard and parts kit can be had.
BCM lower parts kit(19.05.2017)
I just finished an AR-15 build using a Aero Precision upper and lower. I decided to use the BCM (Bravo Co.) lower parts kit to receive the nice nickel-boron trigger group and excellent hardware. The grip that comes with the kit is the best out there. Everything fit exactly as it should and it looks and works beautifully. BCM makes very nice products. One can't go wrong with BCM products for a AR build.
Excellent quality(20.07.2017)
Best quality parts kits I've installed to date. This was installed on an Anderson lower. No fitting problems at all. The trigger is a good "Mil-Spec plus" option. I'd compare it to an ALG ACT, but a TINY bit stiffer. I have no complaints at all.