813318020215 Den utvidede utløserarmen gjør magasinbytter raskere og forbedrer skytterens evne til å rydde kiler, doble matinger og feil raskt og sikkert. Den lar deg fange og frigjøre sluttstykket med pekefingeren inne i avtrekkerbeskyttelsen, i stedet for med den andre hånden. Trykk oppover på armen for å låse sluttstykket bakover; trykk lett nedover for å frigjøre det. Begge operasjoner kan utføres uten å fjerne hånden fra pistolgrepet. EBRv2/308 er den samme lavprofil, drop-in erstatningen for fabrikkutløseren på alle modeller av DPMS LR-308-serien av AR-stil .308 rifler, samt Remington R-25 i .308, .243 og 7mm-08. Ikke kompatibel med Armalite og DPMS Gen 2 stil rifler.
På lager
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager. Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Extended release lever speeds magazine changes and enhances the shooter’s ability to clear jams, double feeds, and malfunctions quickly and safely. Lets you catch and release the bolt with the trigger finger inside the triggerguard, instead of with your off hand. Push upward on the lever to lock the bolt rearward; push lightly downward to release it. Both operations can be performed without removing your hand from the pistol grip. EBRv2/308 is the same low-profile, drop-in replacement for the factory release on all models of the DPMS LR-308 series of AR-style .308 rifles, as well as the Remington R-25 in .308, .243, and 7mm-08. Not compatible with Armalite and DPMS Gen 2 style rifles
Den utvidede utløserarmen gjør magasinbytter raskere og forbedrer skytterens evne til å rydde kiler, doble matinger og feil raskt og sikkert. Den lar deg fange og frigjøre sluttstykket med pekefingeren inne i avtrekkerbeskyttelsen, i stedet for med den andre hånden. Trykk oppover på armen for å låse sluttstykket bakover; trykk lett nedover for å frigjøre det. Begge operasjoner kan utføres uten å fjerne hånden fra pistolgrepet. EBRv2/308 er den samme lavprofil, drop-in erstatningen for fabrikkutløseren på alle modeller av DPMS LR-308-serien av AR-stil .308 rifler, samt Remington R-25 i .308, .243 og 7mm-08. Ikke kompatibel med Armalite og DPMS Gen 2 stil rifler.
Top takeaways
Forlenget utløserarm gjør magasinbytter raskere og forbedrer skytterens evne til å håndtere funksjonsfeil.
EBRv2/308 er en lavprofil, direkte erstatning for fabrikkens utløser på alle modeller av DPMS LR-308-serien og Remington R-25.
Maskinert stål med matt svart finish, 2¼" lang og veier ½ oz.
Våpentype:AR .308
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x
Kundevurderinger (16)
4,1 / 5
Klart anbefalt
A slight wiggle 10.05.2018
This extended bolt release has a slight wiggle, but overall it's a great product. easy to install, fit my Aero M5 lower just fine, looks great and is functional and practical.
Klart anbefalt
Does work on Armalite AR-10 rifles 26.06.2017
Order this on the description of fitting an AR-10. When reviewing the order I noticed the note that it did not for Armalite rifles, it does. Installed it today with little to no effort. Looks great, and works with all my metal magazines. If you use polymer magazines that need a series âAâ bolt stop, it may not work. Be sure of what series you need when ordering.
Solid part 16.03.2017
Solid build. I put it on a Black Rain lower. I had to take a dermal and file down part of it so that it would engage properly. I think if they reworked the design a little then fitting wouldn't be necessary. It works flawlessly now. I doubt all lowers require fitting like my Black Rain lower did.
Klart anbefalt
This thing works 29.12.2016
Works perfectly on my R25 using pmags. Easy to install and functions beautifully. Well worth the price imho.
Klart anbefalt
Accidental install on an AR 15 10.02.2016
I bought the 308 version and decided to try it in my Ruger 556 anyways. It fits well and locks back with Pmags every time. I wonder if it might have issues in Non Mil spec uppers as the sidewalls might be thicker and not allow it to pivot far enough to get in front of the bolt.
Klart anbefalt
Great Product 23.11.2015
I purchased this bolt release despite some of the negative reviews, and I am glad I did. I am building a 308 on Aero Precision receivers( DPMS LR308 spec), and this product fit perfectly. I did not have to make any alterations. Installed easily, looks and works great. I feel that the problem others are having is due to the fact that the 308 AR is not mil-spec so there can be many variances between manufactures. All you can do is try it, if it does not fit, return it and try something else. That is all part of the wonderful world of customizing. Good luck and happy building!
Klart anbefalt
Works beautifully. 03.03.2015
I was a bit leery after reading some of the reviews, but still decided to use it on my build. I did make sure to polish it with 600 grit sandpaper and treated the entire lower and parts with froglube prior to assembly. When I dry fit it prior to polishing it, it was a very snug fit, and I can understand where it would cause issues. However, if you put the extra care into it beforehand, it should work phenomenally. I've put over 400 rounds (over 20 mags) through the gun, and I've never had it fail to lock the bolt back. Also, while it holds the bolt quite secure, it doesn't take much pressure to release.
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
Not the best 11.11.2014
I like the idea and looks but they are hit or miss as to working properly .I think the mass of weight is just to much for it to lock quick enough on last shot to lock bolt back .
Ikke anbefalt
This Does NOT work with a Ruger SR762 28.03.2014
Your expert service said this item would work with a Ruger SR762. I ordered it and found that it would NOT hold the bolt open unless I did some grinding with a Dremel, which I did. It now works but I had to make it fit as it would not open up enough and therefore would barely hold the bolt open, often closing within 1-2 seconds. Do not buy this item for this rifle unless you know how to grind small parts with a Dremel. It will NOT work as a stock item.
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
Need some tweakng 14.03.2014
Installed it on cmmg lower dpms upper. Installation went smooth at first. Pulled back on my charging handle and would not catch the bcg. I noticed that the left side of the bolt release ( vertical part ) was rubbing against the lower. I had to file / sand down the sides of the bolt release quiet a bit to clear the lower. It works fine now but the strength / integrity of the bolt release has been compromised a little. I would still use this set up on my gun...still beats the standard release.
Pretty much only option for .308 08.11.2013
I recently completed a .308 build on a JD Machine lower and this Phase 5 item is pretty much the only game in town if you want a B.A.D. lever on one of these. I've used the Phase 5 on a .223 build without issues, but this application needed a little tweeking and massaging to fit properly even though I was using the appropriate .308 version. Out of the package, this item contacted the lower just slightly, but just enough to prevent the carrier from locking back on an empty mag without manually intervening. After bending the whole lever out just a tad, it now works fine.
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Fine engineering 22.10.2013
I found out that most SIG AR platforms will not accept the Magpul extended bolt release extension that clamps on the stock bolt release lever. I got two Phase 5 releases (5.56 and 308) and both fit on to my Sig 516 and 716. They replace the entire bolt release lever and eliminate the wobbliness felt in the Magpul clamp on version. They are a little tricky to put on due to the location of the roll pin holding it place. Be patient and have the right tool. Brownell sell a roll pin punch designed for the bolt release roll pin. Remember to put protective tape around you lower.
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
Not like its sibling 21.04.2013
Unlike their AR-15 model (100-004-899) this didn't work for me so well.
First, it's not one-piece machining, but rather a cut-down regular bolt catch with the extension welded on.
Second, and the most important point, is that without modification this device would not hold the bolt open on Armalite AR-10. Looking at the original and this catch side by side it becomes obvious that the dimensions are different -- the extended catch is smaller vertically. As it appears that this device is made from an existing bolt catch, it must be from some other model, not Armalite's. From another review it seems that it's not DMPS either.
I finally made it work by enlarging the roll pin hole to about 1/8". It was a tedious process even with a carbide bit, because the part is made from hardened steel.
I still recommend it though, as there is no alternative on the .308 platform.
This kind of device improves ergonomics tremendously.
Klart anbefalt
ambi bolt release 25.11.2012
This device is great, but edges are sharp and could be smoothed out a bit. I placed one on an AR-15, and it needed some additional bending to allow the bolt to catch before it hit the bottom of the lower receiver. It works great now, and I prefer it to any of the bolt one models.
Klart anbefalt
This is awesome. 02.01.2012
Great sigle piece construction. Brownells GET THEIR AMBI CHARGING HANDLE.
Anbefalt med reservasjoner
model spec. fit 27.06.2011
Installed on a dpms .308 and it would not hold the bolt open. Then installed on a mega mono upper and it work perfectly.
Vi opplevde en feil under innlasting av dette innholdet. Vennligst last inn siden på nytt for å fortsette. Hvis problemet vedvarer, ta kontakt med kundeservice.
Forbedre magasinbyttet med 308 AR V2 Extended Bolt Release ✨. Rask og sikker løsning for DPMS LR-308 og Remington R-25.
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Utvidet utløserarm forbedrer magasinbytter og feilretting uten å fjerne hånden fra pistolgrepet.
EBRv1 kan installeres eller fjernes på minutter uten permanente endringer på riflen.
Produktet er laget av maskinert stål med matt svart finish, måler 5,3 cm og veier 14 g.