- Modell: Commander,Government,Officers
- Våpentype: 1911
- Leveringsvekt: 0,059kg
- Frakthøyde: 18mm
- Fraktbredde: 79mm
- Fraktlengde: 254mm
- UPC: 050806104334
Produktnr.: 080746002
050806104334 Superhard, stålskraper lar deg forsterke disconnector-sporet for å hindre at disconnectoren treffer sluttstykket. Den riktige måten å løse problemet på. ALDRI forkort disconnectoren.Works great 07.04.2017
I was experiencing a click in the trigger pull just before the sear and hammer were about to break. The click developed after I replaced the trigger and disconnector with Wilson Combat parts in my Remington R1. This scraper worked great. It's sharp and has been tempered to sufficient hardness to where it easily shaves metal off the slide in the disconnector recess, if you're careful. After a small amount of work my R1 has a very clean take-up and break now.
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