810162010546 Maskinert med nøyaktige toleranser; kroken er .005" nærmere kanten for å gi et positivt, ikke-glidende grep om hylsehodet. Den svært presise krokspissen er herdet til Rc 58-60, og vil ikke miste sin skarphet, selv etter mange års bruk.
Kommer til lager
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Machined with exacting tolerances; hook is .005" closer to rim to give a positive, non-slip grip on the case head. The very precise hook point is hardened to Rc 58-60, will not lose its edge, even after years of use.
Stemt & Herdet For Varig Ytelse
Maskinert med nøyaktige toleranser; kroken er .005" nærmere kanten for å gi et positivt, ikke-glidende grep om hylsehodet. Den svært presise krokspissen er herdet til Rc 58-60, og vil ikke miste sin skarphet, selv etter mange års bruk.
Modell:10/22,Mark II,Mark III,Mark IV,10/22 Magnum
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x
Kundevurderinger (13)
5 / 5
Klart anbefalt
No Malfunctions During Last Outing! 17.07.2018
After receiving a Ruger Mark III Target for a gift in 2009 I left it stock for nearly a decade. It has accounted for a few different species of animals as well as paper and steel targets. During the past few years there seemed to be an increase in the number of malfunctions - failures to extract or eject the brass. After ordering and receiving the Volquartsen Exact Edge Extractor I installed it myself with a referral to some of the online videos detailing the steps. It is a little more time consuming getting the old extractor out than getting the Volquartsen extractor in but not too bad. I followed the instructions on the box which suggested using the Ruger extractor spring when installing the Volquartsen extractor on the Mark series pistols. My first outing to fire the Mark III after the Volquartsen extractor install was a brief 100 rounds in fairly rapid succession. I fired 50 rounds of CCI MiniMags and 50 rounds of low cost Federal ammunition (the modern equivalent of the old Federal Lightning). The pistol had no malfunctions of any kind! It has been a long time since that happened. I firmly believe this Volquartsen Exact Edge Extractor has vastly improved the reliability of this pistol.
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Flawless 21.04.2017
This simple upgrade made all of the difference. I recently upgraded the stock barrel and after making the switch I experienced numerous FTEs. Before trying more extreme options I tried this simple upgrade. Turns out this $12 part was all I neede. Just put a few hundred rounds through it without a single issue. Nothing gets past this claw!
Klart anbefalt
Bedre enn original 11.01.2017
Denne er mye mer polert enn original, skarpere i kantene og gir meg hvertfall mye bedre inntrykk av kvalitet. Den originale er full av små grader og sår, som får meg til å miste litt tillit.
Denne skal også være av sterkere stål og ha lenger levetid i følge produsenten. Kun brukt noen uker så vanskelig å si noe om levetiden. Synes også den beveger seg smidigere i slutstykket. Føler hvertfall at den er av betydelig bedre kvalitet enn original, og da stoler jeg mer på den :)
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PERFECT 25.06.2016
My 10/22 would FTE at least once per mag. Read all the good previous reviews. Ordered additional for my MKIII. Compared the extractor lip of the VQ to the factory extractor on both guns. Increase in quality, purchase on rim and strength of spring was more than quite obvious. Note: The provided spring is shorter than factory but STRONGER. "NO MORE FTE's !"
Klart anbefalt
Could be A MIRACLE! 25.10.2015
I had my doubts about this VQ Extractor putting an end to the FTE's all too frequently in our 10/22 Takedown. We purchased the rifle in early March and we've encountered this problem at least once at almost every single session at the range since then. (Other than this frustrating characteristic, the rifle has become an inanimate member of the family; we do like it.)
Cleaning helped at times, but was apparently not THE solution. So, we got pretty good at clearing jams.
However, as the factory extractor showed more and more wear-and-tear, including the claw rounding off. (Image attached, in case it is happening to you.) I knew I'd have to do something. Then, during a session in early October, I not only had a spike in FTE's, I twice had chambered rounds that would not extract when I manually racked the bolt; it was time to do something.
I initially planned to just buy a couple factory extractors but, having read so much good about the VQ extractor, I bought one of each. Last weekend, I replaced the original "rounder" with the VQ. Yesterday, I was able to test it. IT'S A MIRACLE! Okay, it was one session, but I sent 210rds of mixed makes & types of ammo, including some that were physically/mechanically "questionable", and I had 0, zero, nil, nada, FTE's.
Very, very cool.
Klart anbefalt
Perfect 13.07.2015
Seriously perfect. I would have anywhere from 1-4 FTE's per 10 clip before. I went shooting, and put 300 rounds of varying brands through it, and had 0 FTE's. If there was only one mod I could do to a 10/22, it would be this.
The spring that came with the extractor was too short though, so I just used the stock one.
Klart anbefalt
Easy Install & Works Great 12.04.2014
I installed the extractor in a Mk2. It took about 20 minutes from start to finish. Then I took the gun to the range and had ZERO FTE's. Before I was having 3 or more FTE per magazine. Extremely satisfied with the VQ Extractor.
Klart anbefalt
THIS IS THE FIX 18.02.2014
This extractor is very quality made. It is easy to see if you lay it next to the stock unit there is no comparison. They are similar but there is a big difference, anyway it fixed my 10/22 made it better than new went from 3 or more jams/stovepipes per 10 clip to zero jams due to faulty extractor hold. Also a big thank you to Brownell's for quick proccess and shipping, I got it in four days from time ordered. Thanks to Volquartsen for a quality made product.
Klart anbefalt
Broken to improved with one little part 15.03.2013
I didn't get this to improve my 10/22, i bought it because my old extractor flew out of my rifle during a plinking spree. I just assumed that Ruger 1022's just failed to eject periodically due to ammo or low grade systems or that I ran about 5,000 rounds through it over 20 some years with only barrel cleaning and wiping lubrication only of the visible assembled carriage system. What a difference. This thing grabs the rim firmly and squarely and under close examination, the precise and sharp, greater than 90 degree tooth plants it's pointed tooth perfectly and aggressively into the base of the chambered round's rim and pulls it cleanly out like a wolf ripping flesh. The Volquartsen spring, although shorter has far more force than the original spring creating a more sure and precise "bite". Closing the bolt slowly, you can hear the extractor snapping in place. Such a small part but what a major improvement. Not a single failure yet. I'm glad my original piece broke so, with the help of YouTube, I could fully disassemble the rifle and do a full de-grease and re-lube with Slip2000 and some TW25b weapon grease then upgrade a small but very important and quality part to revive my enjoyment of this classic piece that will soon belong to my son. Now I brought new life into a favorite toy!
Klart anbefalt
Extractor 10.02.2013
A lot sharper and more surface area over the Factory Ruger extractor. More consistent ejection and jams are now non existent.
Klart anbefalt
No more stuck shells. 22.01.2012
This was easy to install and after testing it I have yet to have another failure to extract.
Klart anbefalt
Volquartsen Is Good Medicine! 24.08.2010
It seems like the newer Ruger 10/22 extractors are made from soft metal and the edges dull quickly. After 2000 rounds or so, jams can become problematic--even with ammo that was jam-free when the rifle was new. The Exact Edge Extractor is the fix!
Klart anbefalt
Works GREAT in Ruger auto pistols too ! 25.10.2009
These extractors work GERAT in my Ruger Mk II and Mk III 22 autos. Use the extractor only - must use the original factory extractor spring. Work so well that I have replaced the extractors in all six of my pistols. Any extraction problem will just disappear.
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Oppgrader din Ruger med VOLQUARTSEN EXACT EDGE EXTRACTOR! 🎯 Nøyaktig design gir et sklisikkert grep og langvarig skarphet.
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Erklæring om kontroll av destinasjon: Disse artiklene er underlagt kontroll av den amerikanske regjering og er kun godkjent for eksport til destinasjonslandet, for anvendelse av den endelige mottager eller sluttbruker(ene), heri identifisert. De skal ikke videreselges, overføres eller på annen måte avhendes til et annet land eller til en annen person enn den godkjente mottakeren eller sluttbrukeren(ene), enten i sin opprinnelige form eller etter innlemmelse i andre artikler, uten først å få godkjenning fra den amerikanske regjering eller dersom godkjennelse følger av amerikanske lover eller forskrifter.
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Fjerner behovet for den fabrikkmonterte tohånds, dytt-trekk, løft og slipp-mekanismen for sluttstykket.
Laget av herdet, varmebehandlet, holdbart stål som krever ingen tilpasning.
Passer kun til Ruger 10/22 og gir en raskere, enklere skyteopplevelse.
Forlenget bolthåndtak som er 1⁄4" lengre enn fabrikkdelen, gir rask og enkel grep.
Karbonstål rekylstang med proprietær finish for redusert friksjon og smussoppbygging.
Rekylstangfjær er kryogenisk behandlet for forbedret stabilitet og lengre levetid.
Holdbar boltbuffer som forhindrer kontakt mellom bolten og stoppinn, og eliminerer slitasje.
Polyuretan-konstruksjon som fungerer som en støtdemper og er motstandsdyktig mot de fleste løsemidler.
Passer kun til Ruger 10/22 .22 LR og erstatter bolt stoppinn på baksiden av mottakeren.
Enestående hammer reduserer avtrekksvekt med minst 50% uten behov for børsemaker.
Rustfritt stål med speilpolert avtrekksflate og presisjonsjordet avtrekksnotch for en fløyelsmyk følelse.
Inkluderer hammerfjær og tilbakestillingsfjær, og passer kun til Ruger 10/22.
Maskinert med skarpe vinkler for sikker ekstraksjon i tette, match-kammerede løp uten å "blåse ut" ved rupturert hylse.
Tilgjengelig i robust titan eller A-2 verktøystål, noe som forlenger levetiden betydelig.
Kompatibel med Ruger 10/22®, 10/22® Magnum og Mk II™ pistol uten behov for modifikasjoner.