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813978020198 100018171
Drop-in replacement connector gives an immediate improvement in trigger performance on all Glock pistol (except the 42 & 43). Provides the same 3.5 lb. trigger profile as the factory “-“ connector, but its highly polished stainless steel surface makes the pull smoother, lighter and more consistent. The trigger will reset more quickly for faster follow up shots and less resistance means no anticipation to jerk the trigger and compromise accuracy. Requires no permanent alterations to pistol, so the factory connector can be reinstalled any time, not that you will want to.

“GLOCK” is a federally registered trademark of Glock, Inc. and is one of many trademarks owned by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H.  Brownells is an independent dealer of parts and accessories for Glock pistols, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H.  The use of Glock on this page is merely to advertise the sale of Glock parts or components.  As indicated in the product descriptions, not all parts and accessories on this site are official Glock products

349 349 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 100018171
Produsentnr.: GHO_MINUS_3.5 813978020198 Drop-in erstatningskontakt gir umiddelbar forbedring i avtrekkerprestasjonen på alle Glock-pistoler (unntatt 42 & 43). Gir samme 3,5 lb. avtrekkerprofil som den fabrikkens "-" kontakt, men den høypolerte overflaten i rustfritt stål gjør at trekket blir jevnere, lettere og mer konsistent. Avtrekkeren vil tilbakestilles raskere for raskere oppfølgingsskudd, og mindre motstand betyr ingen forventning om å rykke i avtrekkeren og kompromittere nøyaktigheten. Krever ingen permanente endringer på pistolen, så den fabrikkmonterte kontakten kan installeres på nytt når som helst, ikke det at du vil ønske det.
349 NOK 25 kr 349,00 *
Leveringstid ca. 14-21 dager.
Mer enn 10 stk. på lager i USA
Spesifikasjoner: Make: Glock Modell: Universal Handguns

Top takeaways

  1. Drop-in erstatningskontakt forbedrer avtrekkerprestasjonen på alle Glock-pistoler (unntatt 42 & 43).
  2. Høypolert overflate i rustfritt stål gir jevnere, lettere og mer konsistent avtrekk.
  3. Ingen permanente endringer kreves, fabrikkmontert kontakt kan installeres på nytt når som helst.


Make: Glock Modell: Universal Handguns Leveringsvekt: 0,002kg Frakthøyde: 5mm Fraktbredde: 70mm Fraktlengde: 121mm


Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A501.x

Forbedre avtrekkerprestasjonen på din Glock med GHOST MINUS 3.5 Connector. Enkel installasjon, jevnere og lettere trekk. 🚀 Perfekt for raskere oppfølgingsskudd. Lær mer!

Drop-in replacement connector gives an immediate improvement in trigger performance on all Glock pistol (except the 42 & 43). Provides the same 3.5 lb. trigger profile as the factory “-“ connector, but its highly polished stainless steel surface makes the pull smoother, lighter and more consistent. The trigger will reset more quickly for faster follow up shots and less resistance means no anticipation to jerk the trigger and compromise accuracy. Requires no permanent alterations to pistol, so the factory connector can be reinstalled any time, not that you will want to.

“GLOCK” is a federally registered trademark of Glock, Inc. and is one of many trademarks owned by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H.  Brownells is an independent dealer of parts and accessories for Glock pistols, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Glock, Inc. or Glock Ges.m.b.H.  The use of Glock on this page is merely to advertise the sale of Glock parts or components.  As indicated in the product descriptions, not all parts and accessories on this site are official Glock products

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