The Sinclair Master Piloted Flash Hole Deburring Kit will work on 22 caliber through 50 caliber using the stainless steel Neck Pilots. This tool indexes off of the case mouth (trim length) to determine the correct depth of cut on the flashhole. Flashhole deburring is a one-time operation meant to remove burrs from the flashhole on the inside of the case helping to create more uniform ignition. Features: Tool steel cutter for clean cuts Large comfortable Sinclair Handle with stainless steel insert Change calibers by switching Sinclair stainless steel pilot Includes pilots for: 22 Caliber, 6mm, 25 Caliber, 6.5mm, 270 Caliber, 7mm, 30 Caliber, 32 Caliber, 8mm, 338 Caliber, 45 Caliber and 50 Caliber. For use with 0.080” flashholes. The Master Flashhole Deburring Kit comes with everything you need to cover you for the majority of calibers. The Tool and pilots fit nicely into the foam cutouts in the includes hard case. Kit contains one of each of the following: Flash Hole Debur Kit Case Sinclair Piloted Flash Hole Tool Sinclair Pilot Stop 22 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 6mm Sinclair Pilot Stop 25 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 6.5 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 277 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 7mm Sinclair Pilot Stop 30 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 32 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 8mm Sinclair Pilot Stop 338 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 45 Caliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 50 Caliber
Sinclair Master Piloted Flash Hole Deburring Kit vil fungere for kaliber 22 til 50 ved bruk av de rustfrie halspilotene fra Sinclair. Dette verktøyet indekseres fra hylsemunningen (trimlengden) for å bestemme riktig dybde for kutt på tennhullet. Deburring av tennhullet er en engangsoperasjon som er ment for å fjerne grader fra tennhullet på innsiden av hylsen, noe som bidrar til å skape en mer uniform tenning. Funksjoner: Verktøystål kutter for rene kutt Stort komfortabelt Sinclair-håndtak med rustfritt stål innlegg Bytt kaliber ved å bytte Sinclair rustfri stålpilot Inkluderer piloter for: 22 kaliber, 6mm, 25 kaliber, 6.5mm, 270 kaliber, 7mm, 30 kaliber, 32 kaliber, 8mm, 338 kaliber, 45 kaliber og 50 kaliber. For bruk med 0.080” tennhull. Master Flashhole Deburring Kit kommer med alt du trenger for å dekke de fleste kalibere. Verktøyet og pilotene passer fint inn i skumutskjæringene i den medfølgende harde kassen. Kittet inneholder en av hver av følgende: Flash Hole Debur Kit Case Sinclair Piloted Flash Hole Tool Sinclair Pilot Stop 22 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 6mm Sinclair Pilot Stop 25 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 6.5 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 277 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 7mm Sinclair Pilot Stop 30 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 32 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 8mm Sinclair Pilot Stop 338 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 45 kaliber Sinclair Pilot Stop 50 kaliber