The Arisaka Side Scout Mount (SSM) is designed for use with Surefire Scout Lights, the Modlite PLH and OKW weapon lights, the Arisaka 300, 600 and 18650 Series, the Streamlight Protac Rail Mount lights, and the Olight Odin. It replaces the stock Picatinny rail adapter with a low profile mount for M-Lok handguards, and tucks the light underneath either side of the ATPIAL laser/illuminator series, including the ATPIAL-C, AN/PEQ15, and LA-5/PEQ. It will also allow the light to clear the QD lever on the Steiner DBAL I2, A3, and D2. Compatible with the Modlite PLH, PLHv2 and OKW, Surefire M300A, M300B, M300C, M300V, M312, M322, M312V, M313V, M322V, M600B, M600C, M600P, M600U, M600V, M600DF, M612, M622, M603V, M612V, M622V, Streamlight Protac Rail Mount 1, 2 and HL-X (non-laser), Olight Odin, CD REIN, and Arisaka 300, 600 and 18650 Series. The longer base Scout lights like the M620, M951/2 and M961/2 can be used with the Side Scout Mount with the addition of our Offset M620 adapter. As a bonus, the Side Scout Mount also works nicely on the Sig MPX PCC and MCX Virtus M-Lok handguards. Part#: SSM-M Length: 1.265" Thickness: 0.2" Weight: 0.6 oz The mount is CNC machined from 6061-T651 aluminum and MIL-A-8625 Type III hard coat anodized. Includes necessary screws to attach light body to mount. Requires an IP20 TorxPlus driver for installation (not included). A T9 Torx driver is required to remove the stock Picatinny mount from Surefire Scout Lights. Recommended torque: 30 inch lbs for M-Lok screws and 20 inch lbs for light body screws with medium strength threadlocker. Hardware: Two M-Lok nuts, two 10-24x5/16" Torx button head screws, two 8-32x5/16" Torx flat head screws. Made in the USA.
Arisaka Side Scout Mount (SSM) er designet for bruk med Surefire Scout Lights, Modlite PLH og OKW våpenlys, Arisaka 300, 600 og 18650-serien, Streamlight Protac Rail Mount lys, og Olight Odin. Den erstatter den originale Picatinny rail-adapteren med en lavprofilmontering for M-Lok håndbeskyttere, og plasserer lyset under enten siden av ATPIAL laser/illuminator-serien, inkludert ATPIAL-C, AN/PEQ15, og LA-5/PEQ. Den vil også tillate at lyset klarer QD-håndtaket på Steiner DBAL I2, A3, og D2. Kompatibel med Modlite PLH, PLHv2 og OKW, Surefire M300A, M300B, M300C, M300V, M312, M322, M312V, M313V, M322V, M600B, M600C, M600P, M600U, M600V, M600DF, M612, M622, M603V, M612V, M622V, Streamlight Protac Rail Mount 1, 2 og HL-X (uten laser), Olight Odin, CD REIN, og Arisaka 300, 600 og 18650-serien. De lengre Scout-lysene som M620, M951/2 og M961/2 kan brukes med Side Scout Mount med tillegg av vår Offset M620-adapter. Som en bonus fungerer Side Scout Mount også godt på Sig MPX PCC og MCX Virtus M-Lok håndbeskyttere. Delenr.: SSM-M Lengde: 1.265" Tykkelse: 0.2" Vekt: 0.6 oz Monteringen er CNC-maskinert fra 6061-T651 aluminium og MIL-A-8625 Type III hard coat anodisert. Inkluderer nødvendige skruer for å feste lys kroppen til monteringen. Krever en IP20 TorxPlus-driver for installasjon (ikke inkludert). En T9 Torx-driver er nødvendig for å fjerne den originale Picatinny monteringen fra Surefire Scout Lights. Anbefalt dreiemoment: 30 tommer lbs for M-Lok skruer og 20 tommer lbs for lys kropp skruer med medium styrke gjengelås. Utstyr: To M-Lok muttere, to 10-24x5/16" Torx knapphodet skruer, to 8-32x5/16" Torx flat hodet skruer. Laget i USA.