Nosler has combined the accuracy of the SAME bullet jackets used in custom bullets with their own ultra-precise lead alloy cores to create high performance match bullets in 45 calibers. These bullets are being used by High Power and Long-Range shooters more and more! 100 count box.
Nosler har kombinert nøyaktigheten til de SAMME kulejakene som brukes i spesiallagde kuler med sine egne ultra-presise blylegeringskjerner for å lage høyytelses matchkuler i 45 kalibre. Disse kulene brukes mer og mer av High Power og Long-Range skyttere! 100 stk. eske.
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Nosler kombinerer nøyaktige kulejakker med ultra-presise blylegeringskjerner for høytytende matchkuler i 45 kaliber.
Disse kulene er populære blant High Power- og Long-Range-skyttere.
Produktet inkluderer 100 kuler per eske, med spesifikasjoner: 45 Caliber, Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP), 185 Grain, diameter 0.451 tommer.
Bullet stil:Jacketed Hollow Point (JHP)
Bullet Weight (Grains):
Diameter (in):0.451
Kaliber:45 Caliber
Antall:1 000
Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A505.x
Kundevurderinger (13)
4,4 / 5
Klart anbefalt
6.5 creedmoor 29.11.2017
I find this bullet likes to be seated out father. seating it by their book just wasn't doing it for me. at 300 yards with the right powder load from H4350 in RPR I getting .60 MOA groups.
Klart anbefalt
Veldig bra 15.12.2016
Har brukt disse i min rem 700 i 2år, det blir endel skudd. Bruker dem på jaktfelt og jegerfelt og de er veldig bra, har testet på 100 m med 5 skudd og samling på 9 mm utg 960ms. Bruker krutt N 130 og 22 grs og tvist på løpet er 1: 12.
Klart anbefalt
Outstanding 13.03.2015
Goes long and accurate out of a 16" 308 AR
Litt anbefalt
No quality 12.03.2015
I purchased 200 of the bullets and was really disappointed in the quality of the bullets. The meplat was unjustified by the cost of the bullets. I bought meplat trimmer to even the tips. I ended up removing .075 thousands if an inch to clean up the tips. I contacted Nosler and sent 10 representative bullets plus a single 300 grain Berger bullet. That was a month ago and have not heard back from them which I was promised they would reply. I expected better quality from match grade bullets.
Klart anbefalt
Great accurate bullet 16.02.2014
I have used these with LC brass, CFE-223, Varget, IMR 8208 and a couple others with rem 7 1/2 primers. These are super accurate, getting great results from a Colt 6920, only running 2550-2600 FPS but super accurate and I will be trying them in my 223 for coyotes instead of the nosler 69 grains which I also really like.
Klart anbefalt
Shot a 4.5" group at 1,000 yds. 23.07.2012
I had Dave Tubb Boron Coat 1,000 140 gr/6.5 Nosler Comp. bullets before load development. And, I always keep the vel. below 3,000 fps in my 8.5 twist barrels and I have never had any problems. I have been using them in 1,000 yard IBS / BR Comp for 2 years now and I am very pleased with them. Badlands
Klart anbefalt
Awesome 17.05.2012
I can group 4/5 into a bottle cap at 100 every time out of a 1:9 AR (not free floated); the flyer is probably me. The range officer commented "you must have been reloading awhile" - I said "no, I just loaded these off a *EE [$] combo kit, it's my first batch." I think he's still laughing/in shock. VERY consistent and apparently high-quality, which you really would expect from Nosler - just not at such a bargain price. I shoot up the cheapest reloadable brass I can find just to keep a supply to load with these...
Ikke anbefalt
better for skeet shooting 03.05.2012
Used them in a 1,000 yd competition, about 50% of them disintegated 100 yds out. I do not recommend them, they are custom garbage. other wise they're very accurate.
Klart anbefalt
Excellent performance! 07.07.2011
These bullets preform as well as Sierra SMK's and Lapua Scenars. 300 meter groups average less than 1/2 moa in a 6.5 284 Savage. Have less copper fouling than the softer Lapua Scenars and the price is excellent.
Klart anbefalt
excellent bullet 09.03.2011
I have cleaned targets at 200 and 300 yards using these bullets for highpower competition. I shot a 100-10X at 200 rapid. I don't think it gets any better than that. I also check the bearing surface of the bullets when i get a new lot. Very small amount of bullets are out of spec, maybe 10 out of 250. I used to sort for weight, but didn't make a difference because these bullets only vary by about .2 grains per box.
Klart anbefalt
This bullet isn't a copy 16.02.2011
For the most part Nosler's are copies of the Sierra bullets accept with a J4 jacket. However this bullet isn't a copy of the Sierra 107. It is a little bit more tangent in profile than the 107 and flies a little bit flatter. I switched to this bullet from 107SMKs and my X count increased. In my rifle SMKs like to be jumped 0.01 this bullet liked 0.015" Also I needed a little bit more neck tension with the Nosler over the Sierra. I've just started playing with my .243 again for NRA MR matches but with the bullets I've tried so far the Nosler 105 is the way to go.
Give it a try 16.02.2011
Nosler 168's shot better for me than 168SMKs in my M1A so I thought I'd give the Nosler 175's a try. I've shot alot of 175 SMKs and they are a good bullet, but as is the case the Noslers just seem to shoot a little better. First match I tried them at was a MR match and using an Springfield 1903 I was able to shoot a 192 with them. Dimensionally they appear to be identical to the Sierra 175, with the difference being the J4 jacket. If you can't find Sierra's, what somthing a little cheaper or just want somthing different to try these are worth it.
Klart anbefalt
superbly accurate 31.01.2011
using this bullet in my Larue OBR rifle 300 yard 5 shot group of 1.508"
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Oppdag NOSLER Custom Competition Bullets .45 Cal 185GR for presisjon og ytelse. Perfekte for High Power- og Long-Range-skyttere! 🎯
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Nosler AccuBond-kuler benytter en proprietær bindingsteknologi som eliminerer tomrom i kulekjernen.
Polymer-tuppen forbedrer nøyaktigheten og den ballistiske ytelsen, og kulen beholder sin vekt og penetrerer dypt.
Esken inneholder 50 kuler av kaliber 0.375" med en Ballistic Coefficient (G1) på 0.485 og en Sectional Density på 0.305.
Tipped TSX-kulene har en polymer-tupp som forbedrer langtrekkende ballistikk og gir raskere ekspansjon.
Kulene har nesten 100% vektbevaring, dødelig presisjon og utmerket terminal ytelse.
Produktet er designet for 243 Caliber, 6mm rifler, med en Boat Tail (BT) stil og en kulevekt på 80 grain.
Nosler Ballistic Tip-kuler kombinerer nøyaktigheten til en hollow point match-kule med ytelsen til en Solid Base jaktkule.
Den robuste polykarbonatspissen gir en ekstremt spiss nese for en høyere ballistisk koeffisient og beskytter mot skader på kuletoppen.