- Cartridge: 9 mm Luger
- Finish: Black
- Kapasitet: 18-Round
- Material: Steel
- Modell: SP101
- Våpentype: CZ
- Leveringsvekt: 0,145kg
- Frakthøyde: 25mm
- Fraktbredde: 135mm
- Fraktlengde: 218mm
- UPC: 806703111520

Produktnr.: 131000048
Produsentnr.: 11152
806703111520 For CZ SP-01 for 9mm patronen i 18 skudd.CZ 75 SP01 magazine 10.12.2014
I have a CZ 85 that was made in 1992 its known as a transitional model because it has features that are specific to the B models but lacks the CZ 75/85 B model designation. Not only is it a quirky model because of the features, guns of this Pre B and Transitional period are notoriously finicky when it comes to magazines. My Gun only came with one 16 round magazine.
I contacted CZ USA and they told me that I would have to try quite a few new factory magazines before I would find one that worked. according to them "its hit and miss on those older pre B models"
Ive tried over a dozen Mec Gar "factory CZ 75" magazines in my pistol and not one of them worked, some were so bad they got stuck in the magwell and had to be pounded out with a dowel rod, ruining the magazine. So Ive spent hundreds on returns and paying for ruined Mec Gar magazines that never worked for me at all , and would insert just fine but would get compeletely stuck even before any shots were fired.
Ive bought 5 of the CZ 75 SP01 18rd magazines and they all function flawlessly the pistols run as they should, not one single hiccup (unlike the Mec Gar's) and they all drop free when they are empty (unlike the Mec Gar's that wouldnt drop free even loaded) I know Mec Gar makes good magazines and makes factory magazines for alot of companies but they simply refused to run in my Pistol.
If you have a Picky CZ-75 or have a tough time finding magazines that drop free, you should buy these, they will work in any Full size CZ 75/85 and they extend the capacity by 2 rounds
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