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680665827183 430103549
Having owned numerous Aimpoint T1s since 2007, and later, T2, Forward Controls Design (FCD) are quite fond of these small, tough, and fully enclosed dot sights. Their only gripe has always been the elevation and windage adjustment arrangement. If you're a T1/T2 you probably share their frustration, and have lost a cap or two over the years. On a T1/T2, to adjust either the elevation or windage, the user unscrews the cap, flips it 180 degrees, mates the two dots/protrusions with the two indentations on the sight adjustment, and rotates the cap, which in turn rotates the adjustment dial. As often is the case, adjustment isn't done in a single step. The user makes the estimated adjustment, fires to verify the zero, and repeats if necessary. The caps are rather short and small, and get lost easily. Such is the diminutive size of the caps it's not easy to dummy wire them. In any case, the sight itself is small and lacks much usable space for the tethering wire to loop onto. ATA (Adjustable Turret cap, Aimpoint Micro) is a simple and robust solution. ATA gives the user the ability to make adjustments to either the windage or elevation without removing the caps. ATA consists of a pair of 17-4 SS billet machined cap with internal O ring, and a 17-4 SS rotating disc with an externally accessible top slot. The disc has two dots/protrusions that mate perfectly with the two indentations of the adjustment dial on the sight. To make adjustments to either the windage or elevation, the user uses the rim of a cartridge (.223, .308, .45 ACP, and 9mm were tested) or a coin to rotate the externally accessible disc of the ATA. ATA's caps are serrated to assist in its installation. There are 12 serrations total, matching the tick marks on the inside of the factory T1 cap. The internal O ring prevents undue moisture from entering the ATA. In water immersion testing, ATA's ability to keep out water is on par with the single piece factory cap, to the depth of 77ft. To wit, T1 and T2 windage and elevation adjustments are water resistant even without the caps, they can't be taken to Aimpoint specified depths without the caps on, Aimpoint only warranties the sights to the advertised depths with the caps installed. When installing the ATA, please do not remove the O rings already present on the sight. ATA is billet machined in 17-4 stainless steel, and QPQ treated. ATA is shipped partially assembled (O ring is installed inside the cap, the disc is not installed inside the cap). It is far faster and easier to install the ATA on the sight with the cap and disc separated (instructions are provided on the back of the card). In place of the factory marking UP/R with a counter clockwise arrow, ATA's discs have the counter clockwise arrow, but individual caps for UP and R. As much as it may seem common sense that the elevation adjustment is always on top, and the windage adjustment is always on the side, the marking UP/R can be confusing to new shooters. At the risk of being redundant, the ATA disc with the UP engraving is installed on top (for elevation), the disc with R engraving is installed on the right side (for windage). ATA is shipped as a pair of caps and discs (one with UP and a counter clockwise pointing arrow engraved, and another with R and a counter clock wise pointing arrow engraved). ATA caps ship with lubricated O rings installed. ATA is proudly made in USA. U.S. Patent No. 11,054,218 NOTE: The adjustment caps on the T1/T2 are NOT interchangeable with those on the M5. ATA is shipped with the internal O ring already installed. It is a good idea to keep the O rings (both the O rings on the base of the adjustments, and ATA's internal O rings) lubricated with silicon based lubrication. In a pinch, petroleum jelly can be used as a substitute, but FCD recommend using the correct lube (silicon based O ring lube) for the ATA. ATA caps should remain stationary when the discs are rotated, though it is acceptable for the ATA caps to rotate 90 degrees in either direction as long as the caps still apply pressure on the O ring on the base of the adjustment. When there is excessive cap movement (i.e. the caps easily moves in unison with the disc while making adjustment), silicon based O ring lubricant should be applied to ATA's internal O ring. ATA disc's engravings are small, as the discs are small. For better visibility, white crayon or Laquer-stik (on Amazon) can be used to fill in the engraving. ATA consists of 2 caps and 2 discs.
1049 1049 1 NOK
Produktnr.: 430103549
Produsentnr.: ATA 680665827183 Siden 2007 har Forward Controls Design (FCD) vært glade i Aimpoint T1 og senere T2, disse små, robuste og fullstendig lukkede rødpunktsiktene. Deres eneste ankepunkt har alltid vært oppsettet for justering av høyde og vindavdrift. Hvis du er en T1/T2-bruker deler du sannsynligvis deres frustrasjon, og har mistet en kork eller to over årene. På en T1/T2 må brukeren skru av korken, vende den 180 grader, sammenføye de to punktene/uthevingene med de to fordypningene på siktejusteringen, og rotere korken, som igjen roterer justeringshjulet. Som oftest er ikke justeringen gjort i ett trinn. Brukeren gjør den estimerte justeringen, skyter for å verifisere treffpunktet, og gjentar om nødvendig. Korkene er ganske korte og små, og blir lett borte. På grunn av korkenes lille størrelse er det ikke enkelt å sikre dem med dummy wire. Uansett er selve siktet lite og har ikke mye anvendelig plass for å feste en tetholdingswire. ATA (Adjustable Turret cap, Aimpoint Micro) er en enkel og robust løsning. ATA gir brukeren muligheten til å gjøre justeringer av enten vindavdrift eller høyde uten å fjerne korkene. ATA består av et par 17-4 SS billet maskinerte korker med intern O-ring, og en 17-4 SS roterende skive med en eksternt tilgjengelig toppspor. Skiven har to punkter/uthevinger som passer perfekt med de to fordypningene på justeringshjulet på siktet. For å gjøre justeringer av enten vindavdrift eller høyde, bruker brukeren kanten på en patron (.223, .308, .45 ACP og 9mm ble testet) eller en mynt for å rotere den eksternt tilgjengelige skiven på ATA. ATA-korkene er riflet for å hjelpe installasjonen. Det er totalt 12 riflinger, som samsvarer med merkene på innsiden av den originale T1-korken. Den interne O-ringen forhindrer unødvendig fuktighet i å trenge inn i ATA. I vannnedsenkningstester er ATAs evne til å holde vannet ute på høyde med den enkelte fabrikkproduserte korken, ned til en dybde på 77 fot. Det er verdt å merke seg at T1 og T2s justeringer av vindavdrift og høyde er vannresistente selv uten korkene, men de kan ikke tas til Aimpoints spesifiserte dybder uten korkene på, Aimpoint garanterer kun siktenes dybde med korkene installert. Når du installerer ATA, vennligst ikke fjern O-ringene som allerede er til stede på siktet. ATA er billet maskinert i 17-4 rustfritt stål, og QPQ-behandlet. ATA sendes delvis montert (O-ringen er installert inne i korken, skiven er ikke installert inne i korken). Det er mye raskere og enklere å installere ATA på siktet med korken og skiven adskilt (instruksjoner er gitt på baksiden av kortet). I stedet for fabrikkmerkingen UP/R med en mot klokken pil, har ATA-skivene mot klokken pilen, men individuelle korker for UP og R. Så mye som det kan virke som sunn fornuft at høydejusteringen alltid er på toppen, og vindavdriftsjusteringen alltid er på siden, kan merkingen UP/R være forvirrende for nye skyttere. For å unngå å være redundant, ATA-skiven med UP-graveringen installeres på toppen (for høyde), skiven med R-graveringen installeres på høyre side (for vindavdrift). ATA sendes som et par korker og skiver (en med UP og en mot klokken pekende pil gravert, og en annen med R og en mot klokken pekende pil gravert). ATA-korker sendes med smurte O-ringer installert. ATA er stolt produsert i USA. U.S. Patent No. 11,054,218 NB: Justeringskorkene på T1/T2 er IKKE utskiftbare med de på M5. ATA sendes med den interne O-ringen allerede installert. Det er en god idé å holde O-ringene (både O-ringene på justeringsbasen og ATAs interne O-ringer) smurt med silikonbasert smøremiddel. I en klemme kan petroleumsgelé brukes som substitutt, men FCD anbefaler å bruke riktig smøremiddel (silikonbasert O-ring smøremiddel) for ATA. ATA-korkene skal forbli stasjonære når skivene roteres, selv om det er akseptabelt at ATA-korkene roterer 90 grader i begge retninger så lenge korkene fortsatt legger press på O-ringen på justeringsbasen. Når det er overdreven bevegelse av korken (dvs. korkene beveger seg lett i unison med skiven mens man justerer), bør silikonbasert O-ring smøremiddel påføres ATAs interne O-ring. ATA-skivens graveringer er små, ettersom skivene er små. For bedre synlighet kan hvit kritt eller Laquer-stik (på Amazon) brukes til å fylle inn graveringen. ATA består av 2 korker og 2 skiver.
1049 NOK 0 kr 1 049,00 *
Restordre. Sendes når kommer til lager. Leveringstid ca 4-12 uker fra USA lager.
Spesifikasjoner: Make: AR-15

Eksport Begrenset

Dette produktet er kun tilgjengelig for salg i Norge

Top takeaways

  1. ATA (Adjustable Turret cap) gjør det mulig å justere vindavdrift og høyde på Aimpoint T1/T2 uten å fjerne korkene, ved hjelp av en patron eller mynt.
  2. ATA-korkene er laget av 17-4 rustfritt stål, har intern O-ring, og er vannresistente ned til 77 fot, tilsvarende fabrikkproduserte korker.
  3. ATA leveres som et par korker og skiver med graveringer for UP og R, og er produsert i USA med U.S. Patent No. 11,054,218.


Make: AR-15 Leveringsvekt: 0,322kg Frakthøyde: 15mm Fraktbredde: 83mm Fraktlengde: 140mm UPC : 680665827183


Made in USA
US eksport klassifisering: 0A504.g

Opplev enkel justering med den justerbare turrettkappen for Aimpoint Micro. Robust design og vanntett funksjon. 🔧 Ideell for AR-15!

Having owned numerous Aimpoint T1s since 2007, and later, T2, Forward Controls Design (FCD) are quite fond of these small, tough, and fully enclosed dot sights. Their only gripe has always been the elevation and windage adjustment arrangement. If you're a T1/T2 you probably share their frustration, and have lost a cap or two over the years. On a T1/T2, to adjust either the elevation or windage, the user unscrews the cap, flips it 180 degrees, mates the two dots/protrusions with the two indentations on the sight adjustment, and rotates the cap, which in turn rotates the adjustment dial. As often is the case, adjustment isn't done in a single step. The user makes the estimated adjustment, fires to verify the zero, and repeats if necessary. The caps are rather short and small, and get lost easily. Such is the diminutive size of the caps it's not easy to dummy wire them. In any case, the sight itself is small and lacks much usable space for the tethering wire to loop onto. ATA (Adjustable Turret cap, Aimpoint Micro) is a simple and robust solution. ATA gives the user the ability to make adjustments to either the windage or elevation without removing the caps. ATA consists of a pair of 17-4 SS billet machined cap with internal O ring, and a 17-4 SS rotating disc with an externally accessible top slot. The disc has two dots/protrusions that mate perfectly with the two indentations of the adjustment dial on the sight. To make adjustments to either the windage or elevation, the user uses the rim of a cartridge (.223, .308, .45 ACP, and 9mm were tested) or a coin to rotate the externally accessible disc of the ATA. ATA's caps are serrated to assist in its installation. There are 12 serrations total, matching the tick marks on the inside of the factory T1 cap. The internal O ring prevents undue moisture from entering the ATA. In water immersion testing, ATA's ability to keep out water is on par with the single piece factory cap, to the depth of 77ft. To wit, T1 and T2 windage and elevation adjustments are water resistant even without the caps, they can't be taken to Aimpoint specified depths without the caps on, Aimpoint only warranties the sights to the advertised depths with the caps installed. When installing the ATA, please do not remove the O rings already present on the sight. ATA is billet machined in 17-4 stainless steel, and QPQ treated. ATA is shipped partially assembled (O ring is installed inside the cap, the disc is not installed inside the cap). It is far faster and easier to install the ATA on the sight with the cap and disc separated (instructions are provided on the back of the card). In place of the factory marking UP/R with a counter clockwise arrow, ATA's discs have the counter clockwise arrow, but individual caps for UP and R. As much as it may seem common sense that the elevation adjustment is always on top, and the windage adjustment is always on the side, the marking UP/R can be confusing to new shooters. At the risk of being redundant, the ATA disc with the UP engraving is installed on top (for elevation), the disc with R engraving is installed on the right side (for windage). ATA is shipped as a pair of caps and discs (one with UP and a counter clockwise pointing arrow engraved, and another with R and a counter clock wise pointing arrow engraved). ATA caps ship with lubricated O rings installed. ATA is proudly made in USA. U.S. Patent No. 11,054,218 NOTE: The adjustment caps on the T1/T2 are NOT interchangeable with those on the M5. ATA is shipped with the internal O ring already installed. It is a good idea to keep the O rings (both the O rings on the base of the adjustments, and ATA's internal O rings) lubricated with silicon based lubrication. In a pinch, petroleum jelly can be used as a substitute, but FCD recommend using the correct lube (silicon based O ring lube) for the ATA. ATA caps should remain stationary when the discs are rotated, though it is acceptable for the ATA caps to rotate 90 degrees in either direction as long as the caps still apply pressure on the O ring on the base of the adjustment. When there is excessive cap movement (i.e. the caps easily moves in unison with the disc while making adjustment), silicon based O ring lubricant should be applied to ATA's internal O ring. ATA disc's engravings are small, as the discs are small. For better visibility, white crayon or Laquer-stik (on Amazon) can be used to fill in the engraving. ATA consists of 2 caps and 2 discs.
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